Importing Projects from Deltek Vantagepoint

As of Argos 8.0.5 we support importing projects from Deltek Vantagepoint. In order to setup the import you'll need your Vantagepoint API Url, Database Name, API Client ID/Consumer Key, API Client Secret/Secret, Username and Password. In this article we'll be walking you through where to gather that information. 

**Please note that some Deltek Vantagepoint versions describe the API "Client ID" as "Consumer Key" and list the "Client Secret" as simply "Secret", so you will see both interchangeable terms throughout this guide.**

Gathering the Required Information

  1. Go to your Vantagepoint Web Application. Here you'll want to copy the URL of the login page. It will generally be along the lines of We're going to use this URL for the connector.
  2. Login and go to Utilities > Integrations > API Authorization. If this link does not show up for you then you'll need to talk to your Vantagepoint Administrator to give you access to it or to take care of the next steps.
  3. If you have any other software that uses your Vantagepoint API that you'll want to skip this step. Click the Generate Secret button. This will generate your Client Secret (also called just "Secret") for you.
  4. Copy the Database, Client ID/Consumer ID and Client Secret/Secret from this page. You'll need all of this information for our connector.

Configure the Project Import in Argos Manager

  1. Open the Argos Manager and go to the Projects page.
  2. Click the Add Project button and select Import Projects.
  3. Select Deltek Vantagepoint from the Data Source dropdown and click the Configure button to the right.
  4. Under Web Service Connection enter the URL you got from Step 1 of Generate Client ID and Client Secret and change to
  5. Enter the Client ID/Consumer ID, Client Secret/Secret, and Database that you got from Step 4 of Generate Client ID and Client Secret .
  6. Enter the Username and Password of an account with read access to your projects in Vantagepoint.
  7. Test the connection. If you get an error, double check that you have all of the correct information.
  8. Under Import Settings click the Configure button and assign your Argos Charge Types to your Vantagepoint Charge Types and click the OK button.
  9. Click the Test Import button to verify the connector is able to pull in projects. If the test is blank, verify that there are no pending password change requests on your Vantagepoint account. You can do this by logging into it through the Vantagepoint Web or Desktop Applications.
  10. Click the OK button to save your settings.
  11. In the Automate Projects window, click the Save button then the Run Now button.

Schedule the Import (Optional)

  1. In the Automate Projects window, click the Schedule... button.
  2. Select the interval your want the import to run. Once you've set the interval, select what time you'd like the first scheduled import to occur.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. In the Automate Projects window, click the Save button then the Close button.
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