Job History

The Argos Desktop Client has an optional component that allows users to edit data that was previously billed.

The following fields can be edited after initially billing:

  1. Project
  2. Status

Job History is disabled by default, and is enabled at the user group level.

Enabling Job History

Job History can be enabled within any user group in the Argos Manager.

  1. Open Argos Manager
  2. Click on the Users tab along the left side
  3. Double-click on the User Group that you wish to edit
  4. Click Permissions
  5. Check "Can edit job history for…"
  6. Define date range (current month, 14 days, 30 days, any date range)

Using Job History

Users who have access to manual entry will see a second tab on their Desktop Client called "Job History". If this feature is enabled, the user can right-click the Argos A icon in the system tray of their computer at any time to select Job History

  1. Right-click on Argos A icon in taskbar and choose "Job History"
  2. Highlight record(s) to edit and double-click to open
  3. Edit project, media and/or comments
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