Large Format - KIP

What is Argos OnBoard for KIP?

Argos OnBoard for KIP can track all print, copy and scan activity from any KIP IPS or System K series wide format printer. All plots sent through KIP Request, KIP Print, PrintNET, Windows printing and Mac.

Learn more about Argos OnBoard for KIP.

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Setting up Argos OnBoard for KIP

To install, you will need the following:

Configuring your printer to work with Argos:

Verify KIP controller is creating log files:

  • IPS: D:\monopath1\logdir\Mono-MMMyy.log (or Color-MMMyy.log for KIP 7.2)
  • System K: F:\PrintManagementData\PrintManagementService\Monpath1\Logdir\Color-MMMyy.log

For KIP IPS series controllers, authentication must be enabled to track copy/scan activity. To enable authentication for KIP IPS printers, follow the instructions below:

For KIP System K series controllers, authentication must be enabled to track any activity, including prints/plots. To enable authentication for KIP System K printers, follow the instructions below:

Configuring the KIP connectors in Argos Manager:

Argos OnBoard for KIP connector uses two printer settings - pull and push.

  • KIP IPS (pull) imports data from the KIP controller and is required to track any activity.
  • KIP IPS (push) sends valid users/pins to the controller and is required to track copy/scan activity.

KIP IPS (pull):

  1. Open Argos Manager and select the Printers tab
  2. Press the + icon at the top right of the Printer group column, hover over Integration and then click on the KIP IPS Pull option.
  3. Type the IP address or hostname of the KIP into the KIP Controller IP field
  4. Check the boxes next to the job types to be tracked (print/copy/scan); click the Configure buttons next to the job types for further tracking customization.
  5. Configure Print Settings: To track print jobs submitted by KIP Request and PrintNet utilities, check the box next to Track Request and PrintNet activity. To track print jobs from a Windows print queue or using the Line Printer Daemon protocol (Unix, AS/400), check the box next to Track Windows and LPR activity.
  6. Configure Copy Settings: To track copy jobs that are processed on the KIP but sent to another printer for output, check the box next to Track copy to external printer activity. Select the desired media to be used for the second printer from the Copy to external printer media drop down list.
  7. Configure Scan Settings: To track scan jobs that are saved to a file on the network, check the box next to Track scan-to-file activity. To track scan jobs that are saved to a folder on the network using the SMB protocol, check the box next to Track scan-to-SMB activity. To track scan jobs that are sent to an FTP server, check the box next to Track scan-to-ftp activity.
  8. Adjust the roll width value (in inches) if desired
  9. Check the box next to Enabled and click the License button to apply the connector license key; the button text should now read Unlicense (if no license is available, contact sales to obtain a quote). Select the local server running the Argos Integration service.
  10. Click the Printer Information tab and enter a printer name (e.g. "KIP 3100"). Assign the KIP to the appropriate Printer Group based upon the desired media (typically with an area or linear pricing basis. Optionally define the Location and Asset Tag if they will be used for reports. 

KIP IPS (push):

  1. Click the + button at the top right of the Printer Groups pane, hover over Integration, then click on the KIP IPS Push option.
  2. Type the IP address or hostname of the KIP into the KIP Controller IP field
  3. Check the box next to Enabled and click the License button to apply the connector license key; the button text should now read Unlicense (if no license is available, contact sales to obtain a quote). Select the local server running the Argos Integration service.
  4. Click the Schedule… button and select the interval frequency for the PIN and User account export to the KIP controller from the Perform this task drop down list (Hourly, Daily, Monthly, Weekly, Biweekly)
  5. Click Run now to push the user list to the printer immediately. Click OK to close the adapter.

KIP Request

KIP Request is a stand-alone batch plotting utility provided by KIP. With Unified Accounting enabled on your controller, all Argos users will be available in KIP Request. To send a print job through Request, follow these steps:

  1. Choose your username from the Username dropdown
  2. Enter your PIN code
  3. Select "RouteToDesktop" from Project dropdown menu
  4. Click "Submit"

KIP PrintNet

KIP PrintNet is a web-based plot submission tool provided by KIP. With Unified Accounting enabled on your controller, all Argos users will be available in KIP PrintNet.

Supported Models

Argos supports IPS and System K controllers.

IPS Controllers:

KIP 700, KIP 3000, KIP 3100, KIP 5000, KIP 7000, KIP 7100, KIP 7700, KIP 7770, KIP C7800, KIP 7900, KIP 9900, KIP Color 80

System K Controllers:

KIP 850, KIP 860, KIP 870, KIP 880, KIP 890, KIP 770, KIP 7170, KIP 7970, KIP 940

Printers running System K software must have the KIP Accounting and Cost Control license installed. Contact your KIP dealer to request this license if it is not already present

KIP Knowledge Base Articles

KIP tracking stops after upgrading KIP controller versions

KIP Plot jobs sent from Autocad show NoName for filename

KIP Plot jobs sent from Autocad have no username

KIP System K printers requires additional accounting license

KIP System K printers prompting for user name when printing

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