Scheduled Reports sent via email

Reports generated in Argos Manager can be automatically emailed on a set schedule.

You'll need the following information to set up a scheduled Report:

  • SMTP Server name and port
  • Email account and password to send reports from

Configure mail server settings

Argos uses your internal mail server to email reports.

  1. Open Argos Manager
  2. Click on Settings from the menu on the left side and navigate to the Reports Distribution tab
  3. Enter SMTP server and credentials
  4. Optionally add text to accompany reports

Configure report settings

Each report schedule can be configured with a specific setting.

  1. Browse to the Reports tab of Argos Manager
  2. Define the filter for the data you'd like in your report
  3. Choose a report from the Gallery on the right hand side and double-click on it to run that report
  4. Click the Schedule button in the upper left portion of Argos Manager
  5. Click Create
  6. Edit the task name, if desired
  7. Enter the recipient's email address
  8. Click Enabled
  9. Enter the frequency for emailing the report
  10. Click OK

As reports are typically set up on a recurring schedule (weekly, monthly, etc), we recommend using a variable date definition, rather than a specific date range. The following would be good filter options:

  • Last month
  • This month to date
  • Last 60 days
  • Last billing period

The following would be bad date filter options:

Custom from 1/1/2019 to 1/31/2019

A billing period can be defined in the Settings>General section of Argos Manager. This is handy if you run reports in the middle of the month, instead of the end.

Creating multiple schedules

Different users may want to see different reports. Project managers, Print service providers, CFOs, IT folks and accountants may all want to see different sets of data.

Each task can be configured with a specific report, filter and recipient.

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