How do I add a new project?

In most Argos environments, projects are added through an automated process that imports from an accounting package, such as Deltek Vision, Sage, Timberline or BST.

If it is not possible to import from another source, billing codes can be manually added and removed through the Argos Manager.

  1. Open Argos Manager
  2. Click "Projects"
  3. Click "+" icon at the top left of the screen and click Add Project…
  4. Type name in "New Project" box
  5. Type number in "Number" box
  6. Click "OK"

Phases and Tasks

Adding a subcode, such as a phase, task or matter? Highlight the related project (and phase if adding a task) and click the + icon at the top left of the screen and select Add Phase… or Add Task…

Additional Options

The following settings can be configured in the project settings:

  • Active/inactive
  • Locked
  • Project Manager
  • Location
  • Default Billing Status
  • Type
  • Pricing Schedule
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