Automatic tracking by User group

In some cases you may not want users to see the Desktop Billing Client. This may be because you are tracking everyone silently, or it may be because you have identified a group of user in your organization -- such as accounting, marketing, or other overhead staff -- who do not need to bill their print expenses to project codes. In these cases, you can set a user group to automatic tracking.

  1. In Argos Manager, navigate to the Users tab, double-click on the User Group containing the user accounts to be tracked silently.
  2. In the User Group window, select the radio button next to Automatic. To track all activity to a single project, select the radio button next to Silent to: and select the project from the drop down list. Optionally, you can set the Default status code: from the associated drop down list.
  3. If the tracked activity will not be used for reporting, select the radio button next to Recycle bin. Click OK to save the changes.
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