Print queue tracking per Printer

Argos 8 allows for automatic merging of print queues within Argos Manager to help better manage multiple instances of the same physical printer. While this is ideal for printers being tracked using the Argos Agent for Windows or Mac printers being tracked by an integrated connector or Argos OnBoard will generate a print job from each instance, resulting in double billing in the Argos Desktop Client.

Disabling print queue tracking

To prevent double-billing from occurring (or to resolve an existing issue), print tracking can be disabled at the printer level.

  1. In Printers tab within Argos Manager, double-click on the printer to open the properties window.
  2. In the Windows & Mac queues window, select the radio button next to Do not track printing. Next to the Queue Name for the print queue instance, make sure the Defaults? is set to Yes. Click OK to save the changes.
  3. Tracking defaults can be overridden for individual print queues by clicking on the ellipse button () next to the Queue Name. In the Print Queue Tracking Configuration window, remove the check mark next to Use Default Print Configuration and select the radio button next to Do not track printing. Click OK to save the changes.
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