Xerox Convenience Authentication can be leveraged to allow prox card reader authentication in conjunction with Argos Onboard for Xerox. Convenience Authentication is also referred to as "Xerox Secure Access".
To begin, you must configure the device's Connectivity properties page to force traffic to HTTPS by selecting "edit" next to HTTP and then selecting "Yes" under "Force Traffice over Secure Connection". You'll also need to set the url in your Argos Onboard for Xerox adapter to be https://YourXeroxIP.
Once those are set, you'll make the following changes in the web UI properties of your Xerox MFP:
Login/Permissions/Accounting -> Login methods -> Touch and Web User Interfaces
* Touch UI Method: Convenience Authentication
* Alternate Touch UI Method: Validate On the Network (this enables an Alternate Login button for PIN code entry)
* Web UI Method: Validate on the Device
Login/Permissions/Accounting -> Login methods -> Convenience Authentication Setup
* Accounting Information: Automatically apply Accounting Codes from the server
Login/Permissions/Accounting -> Login methods -> Customize Blocking Screen
* Configure message you want displayed to your users upon walkup
Login/Permissions/Accounting -> Login methods -> Web Service Enablement (Xerox Secure Access)
* Xerox Secure Access service must be enabled
Login/Permissions/Accounting -> User Permissions
* User Permissions Method: Locally on the Device (Internal Database)
Login/Permissions/Accounting -> User Permissions -> User Permission Roles -> Non-Logged-In User
* All options under Print: Always allowed (so remote print jobs won't be stopped)
* Services & Tools: Restrict access to everything
Login/Permissions/Accounting -> Accounting Method
* Accounting Method: Network Accounting
Once this is configured, you will open the properties of your Argos Onboard for Xerox adapter in Argos Manager and associate the MFP with your Argos server.