Secure Release for Xerox MFPs

Secure/Global Print documents can be released directly from the panel of Xerox MFPs using Argos OnBoard.

Install Argos OnBoard for Xerox

  1. Follow our instructions for installing Argos OnBoard for Xerox
  2. Click "Secure Release Settings"
  3. Enter admin username/password for your Xerox MFP (default is admin/1111)
  4. Click "Install client..."
  5. Click "OK"  
  6. In some cases, you must first enable extensible services on your Xerox MFP.  To enable extensible services, navigate to the web UI for your Xerox MFP, then select Properties -> General Setup -> Extensible Service Setup -> Extensible Services Registration -> Edit -> Extensible Service Registation -> Enable.  

Modify configuration file

  1. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sepialine\Argos7\XeroxOnBoard
  2. Open AppServer.XeroxOnBoard.Service.exe.config in Notepad
  3. Locate this line: <add key="HostageBrokerUrl" value="http://hostnameorip:7080/holders/"></add>
    Replace hostnameorip with your server's hostname or ip address (e.g. <add key="HostageBrokerUrl" value="http://hercules:7080/holders/"></add>)
  4. Save and close the file
  5. Go to Start>Run and type "Services.msc"
  6. Restart Argos OnBoard for Xerox service


Merge Windows queue

  1. The Windows queues for the Xerox device should be automatically merged into the device by MAC address. Confirm that Argos Agent is running on the server or workstation where the printer spools and that the Windows queue is merged into your Argos OnBoard for Xerox device.

  2. The queues should then be configured to work with Secure Release or Global Print.

Your Xerox device is now ready for Secure Release.

Using Secure Release for Xerox

To release a print job sent using Secure Release, follow these steps.

  1. Log into the authentication screen of the Xerox MFP with your PIN code
  2. Click the "Argos Secure Release" button from the service screen
  3. Select the jobs you'd like to release and click "Print Selected"
  4. To delete jobs at the panel, click "Delete Selected"
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