Secure Release for Canon MFPs

Secure/Global Print documents can be released directly from the panel of Canon MFPs using Argos OnBoard.

Install Argos OnBoard for Canon

  1. Follow our instructions for installing Argos OnBoard for Canon

Modify Configuration File

The Canon OnBoard configuration file must be modified to enable Secure Release.

  1. Browse to c:\Program Files (x86)\Sepialine\Argos7\CanonOnBoard
  2. Open AppServer.CanonOnBoard.exe.config in Notepad
  3. Change <add key="EnablePrintManagement" value="false"></add> to <add key="EnablePrintManagement" value="true"></add>
  4. Edit <add key="PrintManagementBrokerUrl" value="http://hostnameorip:7080/holders/"></add> to have the IP address of the server running the Argos OnBoard for Canon service instead of "hostnameorip"
  5. Close and save the file
  6. Click Start>Run and type "Services.msc"
  7. Restart Argos OnBoard for Canon service

Merge Windows queue

  1. The Windows queues for the Canon device must be merged into the device. Drag the Windows queue into your Argos OnBoard for Canon device.
  2. The queues should be configured to work with Secure Release or Global Print.


Using Secure Release for Canon

To release a print job sent using Secure Release, follow these steps.

  1. Select "Release Held Documents" from the device panel and enter your PIN code
  2. Select the jobs you'd like to print and click "Release Selected"
  3. To delete jobs at the panel, click "Delete Selected"
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