Secure/Global Print documents can be released directly from the panel of Canon MFPs using Argos OnBoard.
Install Argos OnBoard for Canon
- Follow our instructions for installing Argos OnBoard for Canon
Modify Configuration File
The Canon OnBoard configuration file must be modified to enable Secure Release.
- Browse to c:\Program Files (x86)\Sepialine\Argos7\CanonOnBoard
- Open AppServer.CanonOnBoard.exe.config in Notepad
- Change <add key="EnablePrintManagement" value="false"></add> to <add key="EnablePrintManagement" value="true"></add>
- Edit <add key="PrintManagementBrokerUrl" value="http://hostnameorip:7080/holders/"></add> to have the IP address of the server running the Argos OnBoard for Canon service instead of "hostnameorip"
- Close and save the file
- Click Start>Run and type "Services.msc"
- Restart Argos OnBoard for Canon service
Merge Windows queue
- The Windows queues for the Canon device must be merged into the device. Drag the Windows queue into your Argos OnBoard for Canon device.
- The queues should be configured to work with Secure Release or Global Print.
Using Secure Release for Canon
To release a print job sent using Secure Release, follow these steps.
- Select "Release Held Documents" from the device panel and enter your PIN code
- Select the jobs you'd like to print and click "Release Selected"
- To delete jobs at the panel, click "Delete Selected"