Secure Release for Sharp MFPs

Secure/Global Print documents can be released directly from the panel of Xerox MFPs using Argos OnBoard.

Install Argos OnBoard for Sharp and Secure Release

  1. Follow our instructions for installing Argos OnBoard for Sharp
  2. Browse to Application Settings>External Applications Settings in the Sharp web UI
  3. Click "Add"
  4. Set Application Name as SecureRelease
  5. Set Address for Application UI as https://<YOURSERVERNAMEORIP>:7082/sea/sr/securereleasehtml.htm
  6. Set Timeout as 20

  7. Click "Submit"
  8. Sharp SecureRelease is now installed



Configure Windows queue in Argos

  1. The Windows queues for the Sharp MFP must be merged into the device. Drag the Windows queue into your Argos OnBoard for Sharp device
  2. The queues should be configured to work with Secure Release or Global Print

Your Sharp device is now configured for use with Secure Release.

Using Secure Release for Sharp

To release a print job sent using Secure Release, follow these steps.

  1. Log into the authentication screen of the Sharp MFP with your PIN code or username
  2. Click the "OSA" button
  3. Select the jobs you'd like to release and click "Print Selected"
  4. To delete jobs at the panel, click "Delete Selected"
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