Importing Billing Codes from a MySQL database

MySQL is a popular open-source database format. It is used by some accounting packages as an alternative to Microsoft SQL Server.

To import billing codes from a MySQL database, follow these steps:

Setup MySQL ODBC Driver and System DSN (32-bit computer instructions)

  1. Download Windows (x86, 32-bit), MSI Installer
    from the MySQL downloads page (site registration required)
  2. Run the MSI Installer with "Typical" settings
  3. Browse to Control Panel>Administrative Tools and open Data Sources (ODBC)
  4. Click "System DSN" tab
  5. Click "Add..." button
  6. Select "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver" (version may vary)
  7. Click "Finish"
  8. Define Data Source Name (e.g. "Billing Codes")
  9. Enter MySQL Server name and credentials
  10. Select database containing billing codes
  11. Click "Test" to verify
  12. Click "OK"


Setup MySQL ODBC Driver and System DSN (64-bit computer instructions)

64-bit computers require both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the MySQL ODBC driver to fully function.

  1. Download Windows (x86, 64-bit), MSI Installer
    from MySQL downloads page
  2. Run the MSI Installer with "Typical" settings
  3. Browse to Control Panel>Administrative Tools and open Data Sources (ODBC)
  4. Click "System DSN" tab
  5. Click "Add..." button
  6. Select "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver" (version may vary)
  7. Click "Finish"
  8. Define Data Source Name (e.g. "Billing Codes")
  9. Enter MySQL Server name and credentials
  10. Select database containing billing codes
  11. Click "Test" to verify
  12. Click "OK"

Once the 64-bit ODBC connection is configured, create a 32-bit ODBC connection with the exact same name and settings

  1. Download and install 32-bit MySQL driver using instructions listed above
  2. Browse to c:\Windows\SysWow64 and open odbcad32.exe to access 32-bit ODBC drivers
  3. Create a MySQL System DSN using exact same credentials and name used in 64-bit MySQL System DSN.

Argos Manager is a 64-bit application and can only access 64-bit ODBC drivers. Argos Integration Service, which handles billing code import, is a 32-bit application and can only access 32-bit ODBC drivers. Therefore, both are required for manual and automatic billing code imports to function.



Setup Billing Code Import in Argos Manager

  1. Click Configure>Import... to open the Billing code import utility
  2. Select "Imports billing codes from a variety of sources" from the dropdown and choose "Configure..."
  3. Click ellipsis (...) button next to "Connection String"
  4. Select your System DSN from "Use data source name" dropdown
  5. Enter MySQL credential information
  6. Check "Allow saving password"
  7. Select billing code database from "Enter the initial catalog to use" dropdown

    The "Test Connection" button will return a "Catastrophic failure" message. This does not mean that the connection fails. If you are able to select the database name from the "Initial Catalog" dropdown, the connection is valid.

  8. Select "Use SQL statement" radio button and click "Edit SQL"
  9. Enter a MySQL-compatible SQL Statement to retrieve billing code list. (e.g. SELECT * FROM Projects)
  10. Populate desired fields from table. Number and Name columns are required, all others are optional
  11. Click "OK"
  12. Click "Run Now" to import billing codes
  13. Check "Enabled" and click "Schedule..." to set up recurring schedule to import
  14. Click "Save" and "Close"
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