Tracking Oce Print Exec LT

Oce Print Exec LT is a plot submission tool for use with Oce plot devices, including TDS, TCS and Plotwave series plotters. By default, Print Exec LT submits directly to the Oce controller, and bypasses any Windows print queue that might be tracked by Argos.

Argos 7 offers two methods for tracking Print Exec LT. The recommended option is to use Oce Account Logic integration, which can track all print, copy and scan activity, regardless of how it was submitted to the controller.

Follow this article to configure the Argos Oce Account Logic tracking. To track Print Exec LT, just make sure that the track plots option is checked.

Tracking Print Exec LT through Windows tracking

Not using Oce Account Logic integration? Alternately, you can reconfigure Print Exec LT to send prints through a pass-through LPR queue on a print server. This method is not officially supported by Sepialine, but we do offer these step-by-step instructions.

Océ Print Exec LT printing can be tracked by the Argos Print Tracking suite by enabling Unix Print Services on your Windows Print Server, setting the Argos tracking software for Print Exec LT support, and configuring Océ Print Exec LT to print to the TDS through the Windows print server.


Setup Windows Unix Print Services on your print server

  1. Open the "Add or Remove Programs" control panel
    Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs
  2. Open the "Add/Remove Windows Components" on the left side.
  3. Scroll down through the Windows components list and double-click on "Other Network File and Print Services" or click "Details".
  4. In the "Details" window, check the "Print Services for Unix" option.

Follow the Windows installation instructions when prompted.  Note that your Windows installation CD-ROM may be required.  

  1. Confirm that the "TCP/IP Print Server" service has been successfully started.
    Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

Configure Print Exec LT

  1. Open Print Exec LT and remove any printers already configured.  This will prevent anyone from accidentally bypassing the Argos tracking.  Click the new printer icon to add the Windows shared Océ TDS printer.
  1. Click Next.
  2. Select "A network printer via an LP service (no feedback) and click Next.
  3. Enter the Windows server hostname or IP address.  For "Queue name:" be sure to type in the exact name of the printer as it is described on the Windows print server.  Note that this is not the Windows network share name but the local machine name.  In the example below, the print queue name includes capital letters and even a white space between Oce and TDS600.
  4. Select the correct printer model.
    Click Next.
  5. Set your printer installable options and click next.
  6. Set the Print Exec LT printer name and click next.
  7. Click finish.
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